Social media is a powerful platform for business. But, if you’re not careful it can ruin your business just as quickly as it helped to build it up. There are mistakes that people make on platforms like Facebook and Instagram that can damage their business and its reputation. To avoid these mistakes, it’s best to work with a Facebook & Instagram marketing agency in Denver who knows the ins and outs of social media.
Let’s take a look at some of these social media mistakes you may be making right now and not even realize it.
Being Too Pushy and “Salesly”
Yes, Facebook and Instagram are great ways to advertise your business and get your name out there. But, if you oversaturate people’s feeds with sales posts that provide no real value your followers and potential clients will get annoyed and turn elsewhere. The trick is to give them just enough to get them interested, but not too much to annoy them. While you may not be sure what the right balance is, a Facebook & Instagram management company in Denver, such as Crawford & O’Brien, does and can help your business thrive in social media circles.
Not Posting Enough
You’ve probably heard the saying, “out of sight, out of mind”. Well, if people are not seeing enough posts about your business, there’s a good chance they’ll forget about it and remember the businesses that are popping up on their feed more frequently. Implementing a social media plan with a Facebook & Instagram marketing agency in Denver can help you avoid this pitfall.
Neglecting Followers & Comments
A big part of social media is getting to know people and building a community. You can’t do this if you’re not engaging with your followers or responding to comments. People will take this as a sign you don’t care enough to respond. In return, they may not care enough to patronize your business. When people feel as though they have a relationship with you and your business, they will be more likely to work with you.
Your Posts Are Poorly Written or in Bad Taste
You have to remember that what you’re posting on your business page reflects your business. Some posts that may be acceptable for your personal page may not be for your business page. Use good judgment and refrain from posting things that people may find offensive. If you don’t, it may hurt you in the long run.
Also, be sure that all posts are grammatically correct and written well. People like to read posts that are easy to follow and understand. If they can’t understand your ideas, they will likely just keep scrolling.

Contact Us!
If you want to avoid making these social media mistakes for your business, contact Crawford & O’Brien. As a Facebook & Instagram management company in Denver, we can create social media campaigns that make sense and get results. We can also help to develop a complete digital marketing campaign for your business. Call us today at 720-594-6968 or send us a message using this online form to get started.
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